Saturday, February 21, 2015

Colombo Campus Rag

When a student passes the Advanced Level Exam with good results, he or she is entitled to enter a University for higher education. But the most adverse situation a newcomer has to face is the ragging done by the senior students of the university as a welcome campaign. To get to know one another this seems to be a good practice if done in decent form.  But some of the extremists go to more adverse actions such as
physical torture which might at the end become unbearable and so many desastorous incidents have taken place in the past years. Even last week it was heard that a girl from Sabaragamuwa University has committed suicide by hanging with a saree due to untoralable ragging at the university.

  During our historic era in the Maha Vihara and Abhayagiri Vihara Universities,  the ragging was not heard.  But after the World War 2 during British Colonism in Sri Lanka, the soldiers who returned from war  were re-entered to universities and they only started a sort of ragging with their Millitary experience. But they were decent and innocent ragging.  Present day ragging has become a violent and hazzardous practice.
  At the first week of the entry to university,  called "Mal Samaya", the newcomers are asked to memorize the names and hometowns of their colleagues  to strengthen the friendship among themselves.


Dress code ragging is also a decent ragging system. Then they are asked to do silly things such as sing songs to their opposite sex mates, hold hands and walk, climb trees and so on.

  The verbal torture is another form of ragging. The newcomers are asked to give out a speech in bad or absurd language  to a large gathering of coligues  which will certainly make them psycologically  effected.
  Finally, the physical torture is the most unbearable condition for newcomers. When some sort of manics are present amongst the seniors, they become interest in other persons body parts. So the freshers may asked to strip in front of the seniors. This is mostly done on Male students. But rarely done on girls also. These activities take place mostly in hostels. When  the body parts exhibitions are unbearable, some students leave their Courses and join some other education institute, but  some students run away from their lives by committing suicide.
  The Government of Sri Lanka have taken so many steps to bring an end to this ragging activity and announced this act as a Human Right violation.  But how much rules and regulations are there, the ragging activities continue on.............
